If you have a snake problem in your area where snakes are regularly seen, we will help you safely remove them.
We offer this handy service to selected areas across the Country!
One of our local and extremely "talented" snake handlers will visit your premises and place up to 10 (or just a sufficient amount) of traps to catch the snake in the least amount of time possible.
Usually if the snake is not caught or seen in a weeks time that means that the snake has either moved on OR its been caught by another predator and the traps will then be removed from the property again.
This service is R950 which includes
Up to 10 traps placed in your area
One callout to place the traps
A second callout to remove the caught snake or the traps if no snakes has been caught after one week.

For more information, visit www.africansnakebiteinstitute.com